Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Installment #6

Costa Rica was our stop today! We docked at Puntarenas. We had a different experience today; we were docked right beside the Coral Princess’s (our boat) sister ship. They are identical ships and made quite a scene docked side by side. This stop there was very little security and the only place that we saw locals trying to get onto the secure pier!

Daughter 1 and Daughter 2 slept in while Sir and I went ashore and strolled through the markets on the beach. The beaches are black sand beaches, inviting but not beautiful. We walked into the center of town but didn’t stay long because it was so hot and humid. Once we returned to the ship we roused the Daughters out of bed, went to lunch, and then loaded up for our zip lining adventure.

We enjoyed our drive into the countryside for our zip lining trip. What a step up economically from Nicaragua and Guatemala. But the roads are not in the best shape and there was a lot of traffic. The zip lining was lots of fun. We went on one last time we were in Costa Rica and here goes the comparison. This time: fewer platforms, thru the trees not over the trees and therefore not as high up, and the platforms were sturdier but in my opinion still a bit scary!! On our hike out from the platforms we heard and then spotted the loudest Howler monkey I have heard since the Amazon. A bit intimidating! We were the last tour out today, so we returned home in the dark.

We had a nice evening together: watched a movie side-by-side on our couch, got ready for a night out on the boat, went to dinner and ended the evening with the nightly entertainment—a juggler!

Tomorrow we are at sea. What a great way to spend New Years Eve!

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