Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Girls Trip

Girls Trips are on the rise! Sisters, mothers and daughters, or friends are all coming together from all over the world to share a unique experience, catch up on life, rejuvenate their souls or just plain get away from the rat race of life. I recently read that out of a survey of 1,500 women, 55% planned an all female retreat annually! Boy, am I lucky to be one of these women. Once a year I wave good-bye to Sir and the daughters and head out for a week or two of “me” time. My goals are simple: go some place new, go far away with many time changes so it is hard for anyone to get a hold of me, be gone long enough to be missed, and finally, go somewhere Sir has no desire to go. I do not meet all my goals every year, but who is complaining? This all started when we were living in London. When several of my girl friends came to visit, Sir stayed home with the daughters and I took a long weekend with my friends. I traveled to places like the Lake District in England, Paris, and Bruges in Belgium. Wow! What a refreshing experience. No one to put to bed. No one’s nose to wipe. No fighting. Just time for me. Time for me to take a breath, share girlfriend talk, take care of my spirit and return home with a renewed energy to be a Mom and Wife! When I returned to the states, I didn’t want this to end. So, every year since 2001, off I go with Sir holding down the fort - sometimes with help from our family and friends! Thank you friends and family! Over the next several weeks, I will bring you snippets of my girl’s trips. All I can say is watch for drinking ladies sailing the horizon speaking Spanish and driving convertibles eating Ben and Jerry’s.

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