Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Weekend In KC

"Friendship is like a violin; the music may stop now and then, but the strings will last forever."

Being with friends is not an overrated experience! I had my fill this past weekend and yet it was not enough. I headed to my old stomping grounds, saw many friends and still left many on the "To See" list. Sorry to those I missed!

But boy, did I have some fun! I loved discussing the books at book club, eating meals with friends and family, staying up late to gossip and chat, going on a LONG walk, playing cards, being silly with my niece's daughter, enjoying leisurely meals out, and picking up Daughter #1 from the airport.

Did I take dozens of photos . . . no! Did I go sightseeing . . .no! Did I run loads of errands . . . .no! I just had a darn good time relaxing and being. It fed my soul and gave me the energy and strength I need to make it though the next month.

"Truly great friends are hard to find, diffult to leave and impossible to forget."

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Relaxing In The West

The mountains have always been an inspiration to me. The ruggedness of the mountains against the beautiful blue skies leaves me breathless - and it is not just the altitude! The landscape of the mountains causes one to pause and take stock of the diversity of the trees, boulders and wildlife. The aspens glistening in the sun next to the sturdy pine trees creates a interesting picture. The eagle soaring in the sky next to the tiniest of birds dancing on the deck provides fascinating entertainment. The massive boulders that line all parts of the landscape next to the smallest of pebbles littering the river rubbed smooth by the running water. Night on the mountain creates a whole new set of awe - I feel as though I could reach out a pluck a star from the sky.

I headed west to Breckenridge with Sir and Daughter #2 to join up with friends for a relaxing Labor Day. The weather was perfect - slightly warm during the day and cool at night. Together we shopped, talked, hiked, ate, told stories, feed the trout, cleaned and laughed. Despite our wilderness week-end, we managed to have 5 ipads, at least 7 computers and around 14 cell phones. You can take us out of the city but you can't take the city out of us!

Now it is back to reality - I am bound and determine to appreciate the beauty in my everyday life. I might not have the majestic Rockies in my backyard, but there is beauty everywhere if we look for it and appreicate the diversity this world has to offer us.